A computer isn't an acronym, it's a word derived from the word "compute" which suggests calculating. So, in simple words, you'll say that a computer is a device which is employed for fast calculation.

What is the full form of COMPUTER?

A computer consists of a central processing unit and a few sort of memory.

what is the full forms of computer 

U-Used for
E-Education and

Computer = Arithmetical Logical Unit (ALU) +  Control Unit (CU)  

ALU: Arithmetic Logical Unit is used to carry out arithmetic and logical operation.
CU: Control unit is employed to vary the order of operations in response to stored information.

Categorization on the basis of technology

  1. Digital Computer
  2. Analog Computer
  3. Hybrid Computer

Categorization on the basis of generation

First generation computers: (1940-1956) based on Vacuum tubes.

Second-generation computers: (1956-1963) based on Transistors
Third generation computers: (1964-1971) based on Integrated Circuits
Forth generation computers: (1971- Present) Based on Microprocessors
Fifth generation computers: (Present and Beyond) supported AI 
There are many sorts of computers available on the idea of their working areas: Supercomputer, work frames, pc, desktops, laptops, palmtops etc.